residual energies and psychic connection to other realms can stall your home sale, slow the growth of your business and even make you feel energetically drained.
Fresh energy can attract buyers to your home, shoppers to your storefront and the right tenant for your rental home. A house blessing for a new move is just as important as the sofa you're going to buy or the paint on the walls. Before you decorate, clear the (psychic) slate!
House Blessings clear the psychic residue
Howard performs many levels of spiritual clearings for dwellings. He uses many traditional Native American methodologies taught to him through his years as a wanderer and seeker. He has worked with many medicine men and in his journeys throughout North and Central America. Dance, drumming, sacred herb smoke and chants will clear trapped spiritual karma from past inhabitants. This brings sacred space into your home which is
conducive to good health, joy and prosperity.
>>>>>>>>Pricing starts at $425 for up to 1200 sq ft on average sized lot<<<<<<<
*Used by savvy Realtors to encourage brisk open houses and home sales, a good sales person utilizes all tools available read more here
Contact Howard for a House Blessing
Fresh energy can attract buyers to your home, shoppers to your storefront and the right tenant for your rental home. A house blessing for a new move is just as important as the sofa you're going to buy or the paint on the walls. Before you decorate, clear the (psychic) slate!
House Blessings clear the psychic residue
Howard performs many levels of spiritual clearings for dwellings. He uses many traditional Native American methodologies taught to him through his years as a wanderer and seeker. He has worked with many medicine men and in his journeys throughout North and Central America. Dance, drumming, sacred herb smoke and chants will clear trapped spiritual karma from past inhabitants. This brings sacred space into your home which is
conducive to good health, joy and prosperity.
>>>>>>>>Pricing starts at $425 for up to 1200 sq ft on average sized lot<<<<<<<
*Used by savvy Realtors to encourage brisk open houses and home sales, a good sales person utilizes all tools available read more here
Contact Howard for a House Blessing

"Howard helped me release ties to my home that for whatever reason was not selling. It was beautiful, a great setting and the right price and yet, there it sat. A 2 day ritual and cleansing of the farm and home released whatever it was. This was in depth work.
I got an offer of full asking price in 45 days and closed in 60. I recommend this service. "
Michele Ribson, Mount Airy, GA Apr 2019